The hemp plant is one of the most versatile and green plants available to humans. Originating from the Himalayan Highlands, evidence has been found on pottery in China dating back once again to the 5th century BC, which makes it among the oldest domesticated (grown intentionally) plants known.
Hemp is also mentioned in the book of Shu Ching, 2300 BC (Chinese Book of History), stating it's use as an exceptional string for bows and replacing bamboo thread in armour. It soon became among the major fibres used throughout the world. Trade ships used hemp for sails and ropes and spread the information with this incredible plant far and wide.
We are only now rediscovering the versatility with this fantastic plant. Hemp has over 20 000 uses, including biodiesel, paper, clothing, ropes, cosmetics, animal bedding, essential oils, hemp milk, textiles Rso oil canada and food products. Large companies such as for instance BMW, Ford and Chrysler even utilize it to produce plastic paneling and dashboards for cars.
It is also being used for building materials, because hemp naturally 'breathes', it holds little to no condensation, preventing mold and mildew from growing. It is also termite and rodent resistant. Hemp Crete is an alternative solution for concrete. It's found in pipes and is bought at a 1/3 of the purchase price to create and is also more flexible and crack resistant.
In the clothing industry, hemp is also a more viable option. It will take 300 litres less water and one and a half cups less pesticide to create one hemp t-shirt compared to at least one cotton t-shirt. As a document alternative, a hemp plant only takes 90 days to mature and will produce four times more usable fiber than a timber crop of exactly the same size over a twenty year period.
Hemp is termed as a "mop crop" due to its capability to clear impurities such as for instance excess phosphorous, sewerage and other unwanted chemicals from water, whilst absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. The list of benefits continues and on, not merely on an environmental level, but the profits from farming hemp could be extremely beneficial since it is an excellent crop for rotational purposes.
Legislation in Australia varies from state to state, with many states allowing hemp to be grown and harvested under strict licensing regulations. The usage of hemp food products however, is banned nationwide.
Leaving New Zealand and Australia as the sole developed countries in the world not reaping the entire health benefits of hemp. Hemp food items are high in omega-3 fatty acids and create one of the most easily digestible oils for the bodies. The FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) states the reasoning behind its ban is that hemp foods would "increase consumer acceptance of illicit cannabis use and pose problems for drug enforcement agencies" ;.
When looking at the facts we find that hemp has little if any tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the chemical compound found in marijuana that creates the 'high' ;.When hemp crops are grown in exactly the same area as marijuana crops, both crops are left THC free. The hemp continues to be useful and the marijuana is unsellable on the drug market. I'm no genius, but wouldn't that help drug enforcement agencies?
So many useful products out of just one plant that could not merely help struggling farmers but also help a struggling planet. These brilliant, useful things our planet provides are often termed as "alternatives" ;.I'm not sure why, alternative to what? Complete destruction? Industry is already there, all that's needed is some individuals power!